Tag Protection Warrior

John Barrymore March 06, 2024 4 minutes
In this blog post, our Protection Warrior guide writer offers an early review of the Colossus Warrior Hero Talents for Protection. While addressing interesting talent interactions, the post also discusses the lack of fulfillment in delivering the fantasy of a tank that strategically uses their strikes to dismantle enemies.
John Barrymore January 04, 2024 4 minutes
This blog post offers an early review of the Mountain Thane Hero Talents for Protection Warriors in the upcoming expansion, The War Within. The talent tree focuses on enhancing Thunder Clap and Avatar abilities, adding more AoE damage, and providing occasional bursts of damage and cooldown reduction. While it lacks defensive benefits, the tree is designed to reinforce the playstyle of Protection Warriors and make tanking more enjoyable.
John Barrymore October 03, 2023 4 minutes
In this blog post, we discuss the changes to the Season 3 Tier Set bonus for Protection Warriors in Patch 10.2. We analyze whether the changes are a buff or a nerf and how it affects the tanking class in different types of content, including raids and Mythic+. The post also explores some peculiar interactions and potential optimizations with the new tier set bonus.